As well as running our distinctive, values-led jewellery brand, the team at Considered are passionate about living sustainably throughout our day to day lives, and encouraging others to do the same. This year we’ve made a pledge to take one small action each month to increase the positive impact we have on people and planet. And, as it’s Veganuary, this month we’ve committed to using vegan beauty products.

With high profile supporters like Joaquin Phoenix, Billie Eilish and influencer Lucy Watson, the team behind the Veganuary campaign are urging everyone to try vegan for a greener planet, lower food bills, better health and kindness to animals.
Whether you’re going vegan just for January, all year round or just want to reduce your reliance on animal products, here are some of our favourite, animal-friendly beauty brands to choose as part of a more considered lifestyle.
All Plenaire products are registered with the Vegan Society and made in the UK. They are also a carbon neutral company. We love their Skin Frosting Hydrating Mask. Perfect for pampering.

by sarah london
Do skincare products for sensitive, stressed out skin sound good? By Sarah London’s natural skincare formulas are handmade in the UK and developed with the highest quality, cold-pressed organic and upcycled plant oils. We love their Oil to Milk Cleanser (with no hint of dairy).

balance me skincare
Balance Me’s AHA Glow Mask will help you revitalise your winter skin. Their products aim to deliver balanced, happy skin – naturally – for every skin type, solving skin concerns without creating others. All vegan, made in the UK and 20% of their profits go to charity! Looking good and doing good.

Evolve’s Blue Tansy Beauty Balm can be used as a cleanser or repair balm. A perfect all rounder for soothing dry skin on cold days. Their founder, Laura, aim's to create products that “deliver effective results, yet are healthier and kinder for you and the planet.” She sounds like our kind of woman.

Bybi beauty
If you’re still recovering after the new year festivities, you’ll like BYBI’s Eye Plumping Night Cream. As well as their vegan products, founders Elsie and Dominika, are dedicated to running a carbon neutral brand by switching to green energy and using sustainable packaging materials.

Bliss Therapies
Lastly, we had to mention Bliss Therapies. They are based in the Yorkshire hills and share a workspace with Considered. We love Sam’s Chakra Pulse Point Roller. Apply to your wrists when feeling anxious and inhale her blend of essential oils to regain your calm.

We’re dedicated to creating transparent jewellery but also to promoting responsible brands that help you buy with confidence and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Feel free to drop us a line with any questions, we’d love to hear from you.